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Losing Weight: When You Want To Look Your Very Best

Losing Weight for a Wedding
Your wedding or graduation swim party is just around the corner and you have 3 months to get serious about looking your very best. Here are a few quick tips to help you trim 2 lbs per week, times the 12 weeks before your big event and you can be down 25 pounds as easy as taking a walk everyday in the evening hours.

– A brisk walk every evening for 1 hour will burn about 300 calories. Yes, it’s all about calories in and calories out.

– Replace your soda with water or zero calorie, low sodium drinks and you’ll save about 400 calories a day if you drink 3 or more 12 ounce sodas per day. You can do it for 3 months, this is your special day!

– Skip the cream in your coffee! Period.

– Stay away from the chips and dips – replace with cut up bell peppers (green, yellow and red) cut up into chip -like shapes and find yourself an oil free salsa and eat till your hearts content. You will be surprised at how many others will gavitate to to this low-cal option. A bag of medium sized chips can be as many as 1000 calories, not to mention aunt Cathie’s mayonnaise based dill dip. Celery also makes a great scoop for salsa. Eat veggies and rejoice at the new you in 12 weeks

– Why sit while your talking on the phone or watching TV? Get off the couch and pretend you are the pace car for the Daytona 500 hundred. Those that pace burn an extra 500 calories per day.

– Don’t be a nut! Nuts are filled with oil containing fat. If you must have a nut eat a handful of raw almonds or pistachios for a satisfying fix.

– You are at the movie, the lights dim…reach into your bag and pull out the 97% fat free microwave bag of popcorn and save yourself about 800 calories over the large coconut oil filled large popcorn that cost 7 bucks.

Try using a smaller plate when serving yourself dinner, or leave 25% of what you serve yourself on your plate. Take your unused drinking water and poor it over your remaining meal to keep yourself from eating it. You just saved yourself 25% on your caloric intake.

– For extra motivation, buy the outfit you want to wear to your special event. Hang it in a prominent location and picture you in it on your special day. Who said you can’t where that speedo?

Good luck, pass on other ideas for saving or burning calories before your big event.