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Celebrate: August is Just Around the Corner

Month of AugustThe 4th of July will come and go… but if we are going to plan the perfect party and celebrate the month of August and its many special days we need to start plannin’. I bet you didn’t know there were so many things to celebrate in the month of August. Read on to find out all the cool things ahead for us next month!

By the Month

  • Foot Health Month – Take your shoes off and throw a pool party in celebration of your tired old “dawgs”
  • National Catfish Month – You don’t have to live down south to enjoy catfish, fry some up with the neighbors and enjoy
  • National Golf Month – “Four”! Make that four rounds of golf for you and three buddies.

Week long Celebrations 

  • 1st Week – National Clown Week – Hire a clown and fill up the backyard with kids and balloons
  • 2nd Week – Celebrate Elvis all week – “Thank you, Thank you very much” Right now the world needs more Elvis parties and lots of Cheetos
  • 3rd Week -Air Conditioning Appreciation Week – Hug your air conditioning repair person and crank the unit low in celebration
  • 3rd Week – American Dance Week – Throw a So You Think You Can Dance Party and invite Lady Gaga to be a judge

By Date: (too many to list all events to celebrate)

August 1

  • MTV Debuted In 1981. “Plays his guitar on MTV”
  • Picnic Day in America – The first Monday of August. Let’s do it America!
  • Respect For Parents Day – Should be everyday!

Aug 2

  • National Ice Cream Sandwich Day – Make your own and get every kid in the neighborhood over for the cold delight

Aug 3

  • National Watermelon Day – Sure is good this time of year, thump it twice and listen!

Aug 4

  • National Chocolate Chip Day – Makem’ like Mrs Toll House

Aug 5

  • Neil Armstrong’s Birthday – Houston we have a problem, no party planned in August

Aug 6

  • Wiggle Your Toes Day – Best done in the pool with family and friends

Aug 7

  • Friendship Day – First Sunday in August. Make a new friend on this day!

Aug 9

  • Betty Boop’s Birthday – Need I say more..

Aug 13

  • International Left-handers Day – Do the “right” thing and throw your south paw friends a party
  • National Filet Mignon Day – Crank up the Q

Aug 15

  • National Relaxation Day – See the couch, go there and stay all day. Unless you want to pamper yourself at the spa

Aug 17

  • Davy Crockett’s Birthday – Buy raccoon skin hat and be the life of the party

Aug 18

  • Bad Poetry Day – What rhymes with orange?
  • Be an Angel Day – What great lessons we can teach our kids about charity, love and service

Aug 25

  • Kiss and Make up Day – Mark that on your calendar men (do we really need a reminder to be kind to our lover)
  • National Banana Split Day – Buy lot’s of bananas and ice cream, and fill up your backyard with kids 2 to 90 years old for this party

Aug 26

  • National Dog Day – Turn your backyard into a Bark Park, invite Spot, Rover and Snoopy
  • Women’s National Equality Day – The anniversary of women getting the right to vote. I vote for a party!

Aug 28

  • Dream Day – Martin Luther King Jr. gave the “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. Let’s all dream more for Dr King!